Business Partnership Mediation
Resolve conflict and avoid a business breakup
Shareholder or partner dispute?
Establishing a new partnership in a start-up?
Winding down a business relationship?
We can help.
Few things can be more damaging to a business than conflict among owners. If not addressed in an appropriate and timely way, the future of your organization could be at risk.
Whether in the beginning, middle or end of a business relationship, we can help you decrease friction, increase action – and help you achieve the best possible outcomes for your business and your relationships.
Start-ups: Build a solid partnership foundation.
Look to Bicknell Mediation to help you:
- Get clear on roles, responsibilities & priorities
- Finalize a clear partnership agreement
- Save time, money & aggravation through the life of your business
Growing businesses: Mitigate partnership conflicts.
Look to Bicknell Mediation for ongoing support, facilitation and coaching to help you move beyond stress points and run a thriving business:
- Resolve disagreements over compensation, work performance or unequal contributions
- Deal with issues promptly so that bad feelings don’t erode your business relationship and well-being of your company
- Navigate stressful events such as the divorce of a partner, family tensions, health problems, retirement
Businesses in transition: Successfully wind down a partnership
Bicknell Mediation can help you:
- Stay out of court – and resolve issues while minimizing costs and emotional stress
- End the business while preserving the personal relationship
- Protect your reputation
With broad business experience and a strong track record advising CEOs and executives from a myriad of industries, Bicknell Mediation brings the expertise and understanding to help you overcome partnership conflict, amicably part ways – or forge a brighter future together.

How Healthy is Your Business Partnership?
Do any of these phrases accurately describe your partnership right now?
- We’re not talking to each other
- We’re not sure what each of us really does
- We seem to have different employees loyal to one of us
- Decisions are not getting made because we really don’t talk
- Whenever we talk we always disagree, so we avoid each other
- I feel really disrespected
Dig deeper to find out if your partnership is in trouble?